It was really exciting to see another area of the state we live in...All the more reasons to love NC.
We drove a ways on the "Blue Ridge Parkway"
The Blue Ridge Parkway
The "backbone" of the great Southern Appalachian region enters North Carolina at its northwestern boundary and soars over the peaks to the Great Smokey Mountain National Park .
The parkway is a balcony from which you can enjoy an uninterrupted view of the vastness of the Blue Ridge and Great Smokey mountains.
The road is designed especially for leisure enjoyment of scenic of wonders along the way. Commercial vehicles are not permitted, and commercial enterprise is prohibited from the parkway right of way.
Numerous parking areas and scenic overlooks along the route enable the motorist to enjoy a ride-awhile, stop-awhile, gypsy-like outing through the high country.
We hiked and shopped.....Explored and went horseback riding and toured the "Biltmore"
God's majesty and beauty are inspiring...
Sorry for so many pictures.....Believe it or not I still have more :)